Question Title

* 1. Are you currently a resident in Kentville?

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* 2. Do you own or operate a business in Kentville?

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* 3. Please select the age group to which you belong

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* 4. Please check all that apply and finish the statement "I spend time in downtown kentville...."

Question Title

* 5. Think about downtown Kentville and rate your level of satisfaction with the items below as they relate to the beautification efforts delivered by the Town of Kentville:

  High!  I love what the Town is doing in this area right now! Medium.   Current efforts are good but I think this area would benefit from extraattention, or love. Low.  I think this area requires more effort, resource allocation, or financial investment from TOK. I don't know enough about this area to rate my satisfaction level.
Parks / Downtown green-space provision and maintenance
Seasonal decorations including seasonal lighting projects
Hanging Baskets on ornamental poles
Downtown shade trees
Waste collection / waste management downtown
Ornamental lighting (ornamental pole lights on streets downtown)
Planter boxes on downtown corners
Banners and other seasonal decor
Overall cleanliness of streets and sidewalks
Signage (gateways, wayfinding, other directional signs)

Question Title

* 6. Think about downtown Kentville and rate your current level of satisfaction with the items below as they relate to the beautification efforts delivered by KDCL and the Kentville Business Community (including individual property owners, merchants, and business owners)

  High!  I love what KDCL/Merchants and property owners are doing in this area right now! Medium.  Current efforts by the business community are good but could improve slightly. Low.  I would like to see some serious improvement in this area. I don't know enough about this item to rate my satisfaction level.
Building facades / general property maintenance
Storefront displays and general curb appeal (baskets, planters, decorations etc.)
Seasonal storefront displays and themed curb appeal (holiday decorating, special promotions, etc.)
Overall cleanliness of storefronts and entrance ways
Business signage

Question Title

* 7. Strengths related to "beautification".  When you think about downtown Kentville, what are some of the things you see as strengths?  What is Downtown Kentville already doing well?  List the things you see happening that are contributing positively to the overall beautification efforts downtown.

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* 8. Weaknesses related to "beautification".  What is happening currently, related to the beautification of the downtown,that could be improved upon?

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* 9. Opportunities related to "beautification".  Is there anything missing?  Identify any projects, initiatives or ideas you'd like to see explored or implemented in downtown Kentville that could positively impact the beautification of downtown!  Who would owns the delivery of these projects and ideas?  How could they be executed?  What groups / organizations should/could be involved?

Question Title

* 10. Think about downtown Kentville and rate your current level of satisfaction with the below items related to safety.

  High!  I am satisfied with the current situation related to this item Medium.  I think we have some work to do in this area. Low.  This area requires some problem solving. I don't know enough about this area to rate my satisfaction level.
Existing Policies and Bylaws (animal control, peace and good order, streets bylaw, smoking bylaw etc)
Enforcement of existing policies and bylaws
Infrastructure & maintenance (sidewalks, asphalt, concrete, lighting, etc)
Traffic flow / traffic control
Customer/Citizen relations (I feel respected and I give respect to others while I am spending time downtown)

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* 11. Strengths related to "safety".  What do we see in Kentville that we like related to overall safety?  List some things you see happening that are working well to contribute to the safety of the downtown.

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* 12. Weaknesses related to "safety".  What is happening downtown with regards to safety that could be expanded or improved upon?

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* 13. Opportunities for change related to "safety".  What might be missing?  Do you see an opportunity for a project, program, or initiative that could be explored that would positively impact safety downtown?  What groups or organizations could/should deliver these initiatives?  How could these initiatives contribute to safety downtown?