Dear Student,
We are surveying students to measure awareness of the EU-CONEXUS European University. EU-CONEXUS is an alliance of nine universities from Europe who are developing joint education and research opportunities for students related to the theme of smart urban coastal sustainability. EU-CONEXUS also offers inter-campus activities for students, such as festivals, arts, sports, careers supports etc. to bring students from our universities together. We appreciate if you can assist us in understanding how to raise awareness and attract students to engage in our activities. The survey takes 2 minutes and your answers will be used collectively for statistical purposes only.
Thank you,

Question Title

* 4. Have you travelled abroad as part of ERASMUS+ or another initiative while at university?

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* 5. Have you heard about EU-CONEXUS before today?
EU-CONEXUS European University is an alliance of nine universities from across Europe who are developing joint education and research opportunities on themes related to smart urban coastal sustainability. EU-CONEXUS offers inter-campus activities for students, such as festivals, arts, sports, careers supports etc. to bring students from our universities together.