PEP Teaching Interest (EU Faculty)

1.What is your name?
2.What is your Eastern-affiliated email address?
3.What department(s) are you affiliated with at Eastern University?
4.Are you interested in teaching with Eastern's Prison Education Program (PEP)?
If you have selected “No” above, please skip the remaining questions and submit your response. Thank you!
5.Of these REQUIRED courses for Eastern’s A.A. Liberal Arts Degree, which are you able to confidently teach?
6.Which discipline(s) can you teach 100-level and/or 200-level courses as electives?
7.Please list any 100-level and 200-level classes within your selected discipline(s) that you would be willing to offer in future semesters for PEP students.
If you selected “None”, please enter “N/A”.
Ex: ENGL 206, ENGL 215
8.Tentatively, what would be a good semester for you to teach one of the courses noted above?
9.Please list any comments, concerns, or questions you may have below: