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* 1. Your name:

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* 2. Grade level and subject that you teach this year:

Question Title

* 3. I think (my) students in the physical science classes will be interested in playing the game.

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* 4. What PTI inquiry skills and NGSSS standards do you think this game align with?

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* 5. I think (my) students in science classes will be able to learn the key concepts from playing the game.

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* 6. In what way do you feel this game is similar and/or different from other games you used with your students?

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* 7. How effective do you feel this game is in teaching the concept of force and motion?

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* 8. How effective do you feel this game is in teaching the science and engineering practices related to force and motion?

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* 9. What aspects of the game you like best? What aspects do you think will help your students most?

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* 10. Do you have any suggestions for the design/development of the game?

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* 11. If it's appropriate for your students, when would you like to use it with your students? If not, please describe any concerns you may have.

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* 12. If you plan to have your students play the game, in what way do you plan to use it?

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* 13. Other comments: