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Cancer Council WA would like to know what you think about marketing of junk food and drinks in sport, in particular the impact it has on children and young people.

Even if you don't regularly watch sport, we are still interested in hearing from you.

Complete this short 5-minute survey by 28 February and you will go in the draw to WIN one of two $250 Rebel Sport vouchers!

Your survey responses will be used to inform a report, which will be published on our website in 2022. All data will be anonymous and treated confidentially. 
In the survey we talk about 'junk food and drinks'. 

This refers to unhealthy food and drinks including fast food, chips, confectionary, chocolate, pastry and baked products, and sugar-sweetened drinks.

Question Title

* In the past 12 months, what televised sports have you or members of your household watched (including free to air TV and paid subscription)? Please tick all that apply.

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* Have you noticed any marketing of junk food and drink brands through sport?

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* From memory, which sports have you seen being used to market junk food and drinks? Please tick all that apply.

In the next four questions we provide examples of how the junk food and drink industry are using sport to promote their brand and products.
Here are some examples of the junk food and drink industry using popular players to promote their brands and products.

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Example 1. Popular sports players appearing to eat junk food and drinks.

Example 1. Popular sports players appearing to eat junk food and drinks.

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Example 2. Opportunity to meet a popular sports player at junk food and drink outlet.

Example 2. Opportunity to meet a popular sports player at junk food and drink outlet.

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* To what extent are you concerned by this?

Here are some examples of televised sport games with junk food and drink advertising seen regularly throughout the coverage. Imagine you are watching a game with children and young people and you see this junk food and drink advertising.

Question Title

Example 1. Televised sport with prominent junk food and drink branding.

Example 1. Televised sport with prominent junk food and drink branding.

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Example 2. Junk food and drink branded naming of sports tournament.

Example 2. Junk food and drink branded naming of sports tournament.

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* To what extent are you concerned by this?

Here are some examples of the junk food and drink industry using social media to promote their brand and products using sport and popular sport players.

Question Title

Example 1. Cricket player promoting a junk food and drink brand on TikTok.

Example 1. Cricket player promoting a junk food and drink brand on TikTok.

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Example 2. Popular sport team promoting online ordering and delivery of junk food and drinks on Instagram.

Example 2. Popular sport team promoting online ordering and delivery of junk food and drinks on Instagram.

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* To what extent are you concerned by this?

Here is an example of the junk food and drink industry using sport and popular sport players on their product packaging.

Question Title

Example 1. Junk food packaging using sport and popular players, available in the supermarket.

Example 1. Junk food packaging using sport and popular players, available in the supermarket.

Question Title

* To what extent are you concerned by this?

Here is an example of the junk food and drink industry accessing  school children by partnering with popular sports teams to run workshops and provide junk food and drink branded prizes and merchandise.

Question Title

Example 1. A popular sport team running a sport workshop at a school with junk food and drink branding.

Example 1. A popular sport team running a sport workshop at a school with junk food and drink branding.

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* To what extent are you concerned by this?

Question Title

* Thinking about some of the examples shown in this survey, do you think it is appropriate to market junk food and drinks through sport?

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* To what extent are you concerned about the junk food and drink industry being able to use sport to market their products and brand?

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* Please indicate how much you agree with the following statement.

Junk food and drink marketing in sport makes it harder for parents to feed their children a healthy diet.

Question Title

* Thinking not just about your own children, but all children and young people in general, do you think the marketing of junk food and drink in sport makes it MORE LIKELY for children to:

(Please tick all that apply)

Question Title

* Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements to restrict junk food and drink advertising in sport.

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Sport is no place for marketing junk food and drink to children.
Junk food and drink branded workshops, prizes and giveaways should be banned in schools.
Junk food and drink marketing using sports teams and players should be banned from social media.
Game time in televised coverage of sport should be free from junk food and drink marketing.
Government owned stadiums and sporting grounds should be free from junk food and drink marketing.

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* Do you have any final comments or thoughts you would like to share about the marketing of junk food and drinks through sport? Think about any challenges you think it brings up for you or other parents.

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* Do you have children under 18 years of age?

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* Thank you for completing the survey. For the chance to win one of two $250 Rebel Sports voucher please enter your details:

We can't change the future without you. Thank you. 

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