Section A - College Planning Program Goals

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* 1. Please identify your presenter.

Below we have listed several learning goals for our College Planning presentation. Please select your level of knowledge for each goal. Use this key to help you select the correct option.

New Knowledge – learned this evening
Previous Knowledge from ICAN – learned at previous ICAN presentation or appointment
Previous Knowledge from Other Source - learned from source other than ICAN
I Have No Knowledge of This - I am not familiar with the topic

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Presentation attendees can skip this question.

Survey Number: (example 0001)

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* 3. The Regents Admission Index (RAI) is used to determine admission eligibility for the state universities.

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* 4. Specific courses taken to achieve a student's GPA are considered when reviewing an applicant for admission.

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* 5. Core subject courses are given more weight when colleges review an applicant for admission.

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* 6. A final high school transcript can affect an applicant’s admission status.

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* 7. Considering an institution’s job placement rate for graduates is an important part of the college selection process.

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* 8. During a campus visit you can request to attend activities, lectures, or to have an overnight stay in addition to the formal tour.

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* 9. Cost of attendance for a given institution can vary based on family decisions regarding indirect costs such as books and transportation.

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* 10. Creating an activities resume simplifies the application process for admissions and scholarships.

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* 11. Parent/Guardian involvement and support, as well as open communication about academic, financial, and social expectations are important to the process of making a successful transition to college.

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* 12. Future careers and starting salaries should be considered when selecting a college.

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* 13. If you had previous knowledge from another source, please identify the source.