Dear Young Adult Leaders and Advocates:

NACAC’s Community Champions Network (CCN) is seeking applicants who want to send a group of young adult leaders (ages 18–25) and staff to a leadership and advocacy training from May 20th to the 22nd, 2016. NACAC is able to provide this training as a result of a grant from Jockey International’s Jockey Being Family initiative. All participant travel, lodging, and meal expenses during the training will be covered by the grant. We will select seven teams of three young adults and two staff to attend this training opportunity. Ideal young adult candidates are those who have experienced the child welfare system and who want to help other youth in foster care or adopted from care, especially if they have a desire to get involved professionally in child welfare. The team of young adults and staff must be committed to creating a youth network or advocacy team in their community. At this event, young adults and staff who accompany them will learn about creating services that directly benefit other youth and are run by those who have experienced the foster care system. Participants will also identify advocacy issues for their communities and practice using their stories to help promote changes in the system. Among the topics covered will be: foundational public speaking training, creating youth networks, youth and media relations, learning to craft your story, working with trauma, and partnering with parent groups and agencies.The training location will be selected by March 16th based on location of selected teams. Many of the participants who attend the spring training will also have a chance to participate in a special training event held in conjunction with NACAC’s annual training conference August 3rd through the 5th, 2016 in Nashville Tennessee. In addition, NACAC will be able to provide ongoing support to attendees as they move forward with efforts to create youth networks and services. If you are interested in being considered for this training opportunity, please complete the following application by March 11th. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call or email me.

Best regards

Kayla VanDyke
North American Council on Adoptable Children
Community Champions Network Youth Engagement Coordinator
651-644-3036 (extension 12)