
RICB is accepting applications from Certified Community Health Workers (CCHWs) who are interested in participating in updating the Content Outline. During this focus group meeting, participants will discuss domains (overarching categories), knowledge, tasks, and competencies that relate to the various job functions of a CCHW. We are seeking professionals with diverse backgrounds to participate in this process. RICB will train all participants prior to the meeting.

By submitting this application, you agree to participate in a one-hour training webinar (multiple dates will be scheduled) and to attend the focus group meeting. The focus group meeting will be held in August via Zoom. It will be scheduled for 2 consecutive days for 4 hours each day. 

Continuing education hours will be issued to professionals. These hours can be used for recertification.

In order to be considered for participation in this process, professionals must hold a current and valid CCHW through RICB. No exceptions will be made. To be sure we have as diverse group as possible, and fairly represent the profession, all questions in this survey must be answered. Incomplete applications will not be considered for selection.

If you know a qualified professional for this process, please share this email with them. Thank you in advance for your assistance in making this a success.

The deadline to complete this application is May 31, 2022. Selected professionals will be notified in June 2022.