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Larger community survey

Dear Springfield Residents, 

In the midst of social unrest and systematic racism, we understand that you will have to individually determine what is most important to you and your family. And for some of us, it is a month to month, week to week and day to day decision. We acknowledge that climate change might not be the most pressing concern in your life. We ask you to consider that racism and equity issues are interconnecting issues to climate change and the future of our world, state, city, and community.

This is a critical time in our world, and this ask (or task) can feel like a lot. Using our voices together to take action is a step towards the just world we all deserve. 

In this context, what do you think would significantly impact climate change, racism, air quality, and health for your family?

The Live Well Springfield Climate Justice Initiative seeks community feedback to narrow four policy priorities from the Strong Healthy Just Climate Action Resilience Plan to 1-2 policies that would address climate change, racial justice and health impact in Springfield.  

We invite you to take this 10-15 minute survey on climate change, health, and equity.  Your input will help us identify the key policy ideas that can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, improve health, and address racism.

From the survey, you will learn more about the four policies listed below.  You will watch policy pitch videos from resident advocates passionate about climate change and review policy information through infographics about all four policy ideas.

*Community Choice Energy is a program the city of Springfield could set up to switch everyone in the city on basic Eversource electricity service over to clean energy like solar, wind, and hydropower.

*Free and Safe Buses would allow for All PVTA bus rides in the city to be free and safe for everyone.

*Racial and Health Equity Impact Assessment requires consideration of the racial and health impacts on Black, Latinx, and other minority groups when the city begins a new project or procedure.  

*Complete Streets Prioritization in Previously Redlined Neighborhoods
requires more investment in sidewalks, bikeways, and transit in the neighborhoods in the city that historically have been plagued by under-investment.

Your survey feedback will be combined with other residents to ultimately identify the policy idea we will work on next year.  Your feedback will also help design a campaign to address the negative health impacts of climate change on Black and Latinx people.

We invite you to stay connected to the LWS Climate Justice Initiative. Please share your email at the end of the survey to get updates on our climate justice activities. 

Thank you for completing this survey. 

Question Title

* 1. How relevant is Community Choice Energy to your community and family?

[Community Choice Energy is a program the city of Springfield could set up to switch everyone in the city currently on basic Eversource electricity service over to clean energy like solar, wind, and hydropower.  The city would have minimal upfront costs, especially since Springfield would be able to learn from other cities in Massachusetts that have already switched to clean energy.  For a community member's perspective on why Community Choice Energy is important, please click Community Choice Energy.]

Question Title

* 2. How relevant is Free and Safe Buses to your community and family?

[Free and Safe Buses is a program where all PVTA bus rides in the city of Springfield will be free and safe for everyone. For a community member discussing why the Free and Safe Bus Policy is important, please click Free and Safe Buses.]

Question Title

* 3. How relevant is Race & Health Equity Impact Assessment to your community and family?

[The Race & Health Equity Impact Assessment requires consideration of the racial and health impacts on Black, Latinx and other minority groups when the city begins a new project or procedure.  For community members discussing why the Race & Health Equity Assessment policy is important to them, please click Race & Health Equity Impact Assessment. ]

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* 4. How relevant is more of an investment in sidewalks, bikeways, and transit (Complete Streets Prioritization in Previously Redlined Neighborhoods) in historically under-invested neighborhoods in Springfield? 

For a community member discussing why these targeted Complete Streets investments is important to them, please click on Complete Streets Prioritization in Previously Redlined Neighborhoods]

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* 5. Rank all 4 priorities in order of priority for Springfield and your family with 1 being the highest and 4 being the lowest.

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* 6. What questions do you still have about these policy issues?

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* 7. What is your age?

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* 8. What is your current gender identity?

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* 9. What is your race? (Select all that apply)

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* 11. Please provide your email address if you would like to learn about the results.  

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