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* 1. Please Enter Your Full Name

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* 2. Please input your phone number (for contact purposes).

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* 3. Please input your e-mail address (for contact purposes).

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* 4. Input today's date


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* 5. What is your available start date?


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* 6. Select the age range that you fit into.

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* 7. Have you ever left a job or been excused from work duties due to ill health?

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* 8. Do you have any of the following (check all that apply)

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* 9. Have you ever filed a DOLE case against an employer?

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* 10. Do you have any illness, impairment, disability (physical
or psychological)?

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* 11. Are you currently pregnant? or Are you or your significant other is expecting a child?

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* 12. How long do you plan to stay with the company?

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* 13. Have you ever done an immediate resignation from a job?

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* 14. If yes, what was your reason? If no, just put N/A in the box provided. 

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* 15. For this position you will be expected to go through our full training. This is 25 days of calling/phone time. Is this something you are willing to do?

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* 16. Have you previously ever worked for Ameritel?

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* 17. Do you have any relatives currently working for Ameritel?

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* 18. Is this your first time applying for Ameritel?

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* 19. Are you currently employed?

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* 20. How long have you been working in some form of TL/Supervisor position? Combined total supervisory/management experience.

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* 21. What size teams have you handled in the past?

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* 22. What is one of the aspects that you find to be the most difficult in dealing with a team full of very different people?

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* 23. Have you ever been issued a memo for attendance issues in any position you have had throughout your work history? 

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* 24. How do you respond to your team reacting negatively to news of site changes or a team meeting regarding overall poor performance? How would you turn it into a positive and motivate your team?

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* 25. Describe how you would approach delivering difficult news to your team. For example, you have to cascade news from management that incentives will be cut or the structure will be changed. How will you best deliver that news to your team?

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* 26. Give an example of an agent you handled in the past that was performing poorly. How did you work with them to help them improve performance? Was it effective?

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* 27. How do you address agents that are repeatedly missing their quota and bringing your overall team stats down? Detail you plan of action to deal with this situation and these types of trainees.

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* 28. Were you referred by a current Ameritel BPO Services employee? If so, please provide their name below.

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* 29. Think about the following two scenarios for a moment, and answer the question that follows based on your own personal preference.

Scenario 1:
You now have a job that gives you the time and freedom to attend family gatherings, fiestas, holiday events, drinking sessions, parties, and all other similar types of events. You no longer have to miss important events and have plenty of scheduling time available for handling personal business matters. You get paid a little less than your previous job, but you have plenty of free time to properly take care of yourself and spend time on things that matter to you. 

Scenario 2:
You now have a job that pays a higher salary than what is normal in your industry for your position; however, you no longer have any free time to yourself, and it is creating a negative work-life balance. You miss all important family events and holidays. You aren't able to go out with friends on the weekends because you are working every weekend. You have a hard time scheduling personal business matters. You feel worn out and stressed most of the time because you never feel like you have any way to release the stress from work, and you don't have any time to be able to spend and enjoy your higher salary.

Between the two scenarios which one is the better scenario to you? Why is that one more meaningful and more valuable to you? Please explain in detail.

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* 30. From 1 to 5 rank the following items on how important each is for you when it comes to your job. 1 is the highest rating or most important, and 5 is the lowest rating or least important. Only use each number once.

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* 31. You are required to have working references either listed on your resume or that you send to us in advance for us to contact prior to your interview. The process will not move forward until your references have been contacted successfully. 

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* 32. If you are currently employed we require that you bring a payslip in from your current employer that is from within the last 3 months to your interview. If you are currently unemployed we require that you bring a COE from your last employer to your interview.

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-You are expected to complete 25 days of calling. This period is to assess if you understand the campaign in order to better help your future team of agents be successful with the campaign.

-After you successfully complete your 25 days of calling you will be given a small group of agents to work with so we can observe and assess your skills in the actual role.

-If you show an early mastery of the campaign there is a possibility you can end your training phase early.

-If you are not willing to complete 25 days of phone time we will not proceed with you in the role of Team Leader with Ameritel.