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* 1. Your Full Name:

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* 2. CONTACT INFO: Phone, Email, Mailing Address

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* 3. What is your website address/social media sites to follow? (if you have one)

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* 4. Tell me about you and why you've chosen to apply for our upcoming Elite Retreat and how committed are you to getting results immediately?

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* 5. Describe your business or company for me and how you monetize your worth today?

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* 6. Briefly describe how you are currently building and marketing your business.

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* 7. Who or what do you think is your biggest obstacle in reaching your goals?*

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* 8. If you could wave a magic wand and change three things in your business or life in the next 12 months, what would they be?

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* 9. How much money are you looking to make in the next year?

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* 10. Why should I choose you to join the Italian Elite Retreat team? What about you makes you the exception in your field? And is there anything else you would like to share with me prior to accepting applications?