St Ives High School

Please complete this survey with your child. 

In 2015 we sent a similar survey to Stage 4 parents. We have designed this survey in response to the changes we initiated in 2016. This survey will assist us as a school to continually reflect and strive for improvement. We are hoping to reach a balance between school work and home life and your responses will assist us with our future planning. 

Question Title

* 1. Is your child male or female?

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* 2. What year is your child in?

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* 5. Does your child have special needs or circumstances that impacts their ability to complete homework? YES OR NO (if yes, please provide additional details below)

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* 6. On average how long does your child spend completing both homework and assignments per evening?

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* 7. On average how long does your child spend completing homework and assignments on weekends?

Question Title

* 8. Please use the table below to quantify the general amount of homework and or assignments your child receives from each department, in general. Place a check mark in the appropriate box. Please only check one box per row.

  Not enrolled Too little Just right Too much
Creative and Performing Arts

Question Title

* 9. Overall, considering the amount of homework and assignments your child does, is it:

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* 10. What do you feel is an appropriate amount of time allocated to working on both homework and assignments for your child's year level?

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* 11. What causes your child more anxiety, completing homework or assignments?

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* 12. Rank the following after school activities with '1' being the most important/relevant.

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* 13. Does your child have organisational problems in relation to the completion of homework and assignments?

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* 14. Please indicate how useful your child found each of the strategies that were used by the school in semester 1 - Please only mark once in each row.

  Extremely Useful Somewhat useful Not Useful Not sure
Setting time indicators on assignments.
HSIE lessons that focused on time management and general organisation. In these sessions students looked at diary use, study techniques and time management.These were imbedded into HSIE lessons once a fortnight during term one.
The Assessment Term Planner that was handed to students and emailed to parents. 

Question Title

* 15. Please indicate how useful your child found the Assessment and Examination Term Planner?

  Extremely Useful Somewhat useful Not Useful Not sure
Term Planner

Question Title

* 16. Please indicate how useful you feel the following strategies would be in supporting your child?

  Extremely Useful Somewhat useful Not Useful Not sure
Issue assignments that are across subjects.
e.g. an assignment may cover outcomes that are across two or more subjects
Have a clear homework policy that is displayed on the school website.
Set a maximum amount of time a child should spend on homework activities.
Students and parents encouraged to fill out a 'learning journal' which would have sections for reflection. This could be filled out before and after completing assignments and possibly homework.
Teaching students about Growth Mindset principles. This would mean building an understanding among students about intelligence and abilities as qualities we can develop overtime through consistent effort.

Question Title

* 17. In 2016, how many times have you had a detailed look at your child's assignment and were not clear what he/she was expected to do?

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* 18. Which of the following learning and organisation techniques are you currently using in your home?

  Yes Sporadically Never
Having a set time each night when your child completes revision, homework or assignments. e.g 4:00-5:00pm
Monitoring the amount of work completed at home either through an exercise book or log. 
Having your child complete schoolwork in a visible space where they can be monitored and supported.
Do you look at your child's diary to see what homework or assignments need to be completed?