Please help us learn more about the impact of the Center for Black Literature and Culture (CBLC) by taking a few minutes to answer the below questions.

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* 1. What encouraged you to make your first visit to the CBLC?

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* 2. How many CBLC programs have you attended?

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* 3. Have you ever checked out any CBLC materials?

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* 4. Have you visited the new CBLC website (

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* 5. Please select the community needs being met by the CBLC (select all that apply):

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* 6. In a couple sentences, could you describe the impact the CBLC has had on you as an individual?

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* 7. In a couple sentences, could you describe the impact the CBLC has had on the community?

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* 8. What could the CBLC do to increase its community impact?

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* 9. What have you learned about Black culture from the CBLC that you didn’t know before visiting?

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* 10. Are there any authors or speakers you would like to see in the CBLC?

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* 11. What would make you more likely to engage the CBLC (select all that apply)?

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* 12. If you are interested in becoming a Librarian, please provide your name:

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* 13. If you are interested in becoming a Librarian, please provide your email address:

The following voluntary demographic questions help us ensure we are serving all in the Indianapolis community.  Your responses would be greatly appreciated.

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* 14. Please select the race/ethnicity you most identify with:

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* 15. Age:

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* 16. Gender: