Teacher - Please complete this confidential form.  This information will be treated confidentially and will not be shared with parents.  You will receive an electronic copy for your files upon submission via the email address provided.  Thank you for your cooperation and honesty.  The student's application cannot be processed until this form is received by our Admissions Office.

Question Title

* 1. Enter the student's full name

Question Title

* 2. Enter the grade or subject area you taught them.

Question Title

* 3. Overall, is this student in good standing and eligible to re-enter your school whether or not you offer the next grade level?

Question Title

* 4. Please enter your teacher and school information below.

Question Title

* 5. I would be willing willing to discuss this applicant by telephone

Question Title

* 6. Social Skills Ratings

  Exceeds Expectations Area of Strength Age Appropriate Progressing Area of Concern
Acceptance of limits
Ability to work independently
Interaction with peers
Interaction with teachers
Uses words to express feelings
Internalization of classroom routine

Question Title

* 7. Social Skills Ratings

  Exceeds Expectations Area of Strength Age Appropriate Progressing Area of Concern
Separation from parents/caregivers
Ability to share and work cooperatively
Ability to wait turn
Respect for property (personal and others)
Accepts responsibility for actions
Sense of humor
Attention span: self-chosen activity

Question Title

* 8. Social Skills Ratings

  Exceeds Expectations Area of Strength Age Appropriate Progressing Area of Concern
Attention span: assigned activity
Cooperative attitude
Leadership skills
Makes transitions easily
Ability to focus in large group
Ability to focus in small group
Responds to redirection

Question Title

* 9. Usually chooses to work in:

Question Title

* 10. Usually takes role of:

Question Title

* 11. Hand dominance:

Question Title

* 12. Physical Development Ratings

  Exceeds Expectations Area of Strength Age Appropriate Progressing Area of Concern
Fine motor coordination
Draws with details
Uses appropriate pencil grip
Gross motor coordination
Body/space awareness
Balance, gait, fluidity, smoothness of movement
Participate in physical group activity

Question Title

* 13. Please describe any notable social or emotional strengths or weaknesses.  What steps have been taken to address the areas of concern?

Question Title

* 14. Please note any physical, visual and/or auditory strengths or weaknesses:

Question Title

* 15. Check all the words that best describe this applicant:

Question Title

* 16. Please add any additional information that would provide a more complete picture of the student and family. (optional)

Question Title

* 17. This applicant/family is habitually tardy or late:

Question Title

* 18. Parent Support:

  Consistently Usually Seldom Not Observed
Parent(s) participate in school activities
Parent(s) support school policies and procedures

Question Title

* 19. This applicant/student is: