Teacher - Please complete this confidential form.  This information will be treated confidentially and will not be shared with parents.  You will receive an electronic copy for your files upon submission via the email address provided.  Thank you for your cooperation and honesty.  The student's application cannot be processed until this form is received by our Admissions Office.

Question Title

* 1. Enter the student's full name

Question Title

* 2. Enter the grade or subject area you taught them.

Question Title

* 3. Overall, is this student in good standing and eligible to re-enter your school whether or not you offer the next grade level?

Question Title

* 4. Please enter your teacher and school information below.

Question Title

* 5. I would be willing willing to discuss this applicant by telephone

Question Title

* 6. Academic Skills Ratings

  Excellent Above Average Average Below Average
Listens to and follows teacher's directions
Is attentive to group discussions/activities
Contributes appropriately to group discussions/activities
Demonstrates ability to work independently
Perseveres in spite of difficulty
Works cooperatively
Displays willingness to take risks
Demonstrates appropriate energy level
Demonstrates ability to stay on task
Exhibits appropriate work ethic
Completes assignments on time
Critical thinking skills

Question Title

* 7. Social Skills Ratings

  Excellent Above Average Average Below Average
Responds positively to constructive criticism
Establishes friendships easily
Is comfortable in a group
Is respectful of faculty
Is respected by peers
Demonstrates self-control
Takes responsibility for belongings
Is cooperative
Demonstrates appropriate behavior
Exhibits emotional maturity

Question Title

* 8. Communication Skills Ratings

  Excellent Above Average Average Below Average
Computations skills
Problem-solving skills
Mathematical reasoning
Mathematical applications
Embraces challenges

Question Title

* 9. Check all the words that best describe this applicant:

Question Title

* 10. Please describe the student's academic/social strengths, assets, and gifts:

Question Title

* 11. Please describe the student's academic/social challenge and areas of support:

Question Title

* 12. Please add any additional information that would provide a more complete picture of the student and family. (optional)

Question Title

* 13. This applicant/family is habitually tardy or late:

Question Title

* 14. Parent Support:

  Consistently Usually Seldom Not Observed
Parent(s) participate in school activities
Parent(s) support school policies and procedures

Question Title

* 15. This applicant/student is:

Question Title

* 16. If you checked "Recommended with Reservation" or "Not Recommended," please explain: