Retail Fulfilment Awards - Best online fulfilment initiative

This category is open to any retailer which fulfils orders received via digital channels and touchpoints. It seeks to identify differentiated service and ease of doing business in the order fulfilment process. We are looking also for innovation in the design of the fulfilment offer and the effective use of technology. While submissions may be by a retailer alone, we also welcome joint submissions by retailers and their fulfilment service partners. Partners may include technology and/or service partners, and we will recognise excellence in collaboration.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide a brief description of your online fulfilment initiative

Question Title

* 2. Please provide a brief description of how your initiative is customer-centric. This could include:
  • Number and variety of fulfilment methods offered
  • Cost to customer of each option above
  • Customer self-service / control of the fulfilment process
  • Communications around the service

Question Title

* 3. Please provide a brief description of how your initiative is aligned with your customer value proposition. This could include:
  • Differentiated aspects of the fulfilment process
  • Value adding aspects of the fulfilment offer, including:
     i.      Fast order fulfilment turnaround - eg same day delivery
     ii.      Non-standard / out of hours delivery windows
     iii.     Delivery concierge services
     iv.     White glove
     v.      Insurance
     vi.      Delivery loyalty schemes / offers
     vii.     Easy returns administration and process

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* 4. Please provide a brief description of your order receipt and return experience. This could include:
  • Evidence of bespoke packaging / value added packaging to delight the customer
  • Quality and detail in customer communications about the impending delivery - eg detailed order tracking status, pre-delivery confirmation
  • Flexibility in delivery options

Question Title

* 5. Please provide a brief description of how your initiative is a commercial success. This could include evidence of the efficacy of the features above:
  • Customer satisfaction feedback metrics / NPS
  • Customers in delivery loyalty schemes
  • Revenue growth or growth in take up of fulfilment services / options
  • Any additional / services revenue generated EG Delivery Insurance, premium services revenues