Choosing Wisely Canada

Dear CAPM&R Colleagues,

We are seeking your input on PM&R specific recommendations for Choosing Wisely Canada.  

Choosing Wisely Canada (CWC) is a national campaign to help physicians and patients engage in conversations about unnecessary tests, treatments and procedures, and to help physicians and patients make smart and effective choices to ensure high-quality care.  More information about CWC can be found at the website:

Each group representing a broad spectrum of physicians, have been asked to develop lists of “Five Things Physicians and Patients Should Question.”  Many other Canadian national specialty societies are participating in the campaign and we would like to see PM&R there as well.

These lists identify tests, treatments or procedures commonly used in each specialty, but are not supported by evidence, and/or could expose patients to unnecessary harm.    The American Academy of PM&R has published its list, which can be seen at

Under Dr. Lyle Gross’ leadership, we have collated 23 potential items from our CAPM&R special interest groups (SIGs) for treatments or procedures commonly used, but are not supported by evidence, and/or could expose patients to unnecessary harm.  In keeping with the CWC policy they are phrased as "Do not…"

We are seeking your feedback:

·         Rank your preferred recommendations
·         Add comments and references where you feel appropriate
·         Suggest other items you believe would fit the requirements above

If there are significant new suggestions from members, we may elect to distribute an additional ballot before finalizing the list.

The CAPMR executive committee will then finalize the recommendations based on your voting to submit to Choosing Wisely Canada.  

Many thanks!

Mohan Radhakrishna
E. Lyle Gross
Larry Robinson