The Community Action Program of East Central Oregon (CAPECO), with the help of Eastern Oregon Business Source, is conducting a community needs assessment. This assessment is a combination of information gathering and community engagement with the goal of community improvement. Obtaining feedback from partners, stakeholders, and business owners is vital to this process. Please complete the following survey. We will use the information to help better understand the needs in your community. Thank you for taking this survey. We appreciate your time and input. You are not required to answer every question.

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* 1. What city or cities is your business or organization located?

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* 2. Which of the following best describes the business or organization that you represent?

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* 3. Is your organization:

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* 4. How do you invest in the community where your business or organization resides?

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* 5. Do you recruit employees from the community in which your business or organization resides?

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* 6. Does your business currently refer customers to CAPECO?

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* 7. If yes, how would you rate your experience?

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* 8. What do you see as the top three issues facing your community?

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* 9. What do you see as the top three accomplishments of your community?

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* 10. Check a box to identify to what degree you think the following are a concern for those in your community.

  Never a concern for my community Sometimes a concern for my community Often  a concern for my community Always  a concern for my community
Finding affordable, quality housing
Programs and services for seniors
Being homeless
Finding a job
Affordable, quality dental care
Local, quality dental care
Immigration and citizenship issues
Opportunities to learn about work, careers, and getting ahead
Understanding household budgets
Access to computers/Internet
Affordable college or trade school
Support and access to information to help me with my parenting skills
Finding a job with benefits
Drug or alcohol abuse
Health insurance for children
Health insurance for adults
Affordable prescription medication
Being able to afford nutritious foods
Children’s education/tutoring
Paying utility bills (power, gas, water)
Affordable, quality health care
Local quality health care
Not having a driver’s license
Price of gas
Domestic violence
Services for disabled people
Veterans services
Being able to afford groceries
Finding a job that pays enough
Being able to cook my own meals
Lack of transportation to work
Affordable, quality mental health care
Local, quality mental health care
Information about eating and living healthy
Long term elderly care
Home repairs (drafty windows, poor furnace, lack of insulation, etc.)
Paying the rent or mortgage
Criminal background or outstanding legal issues
Lack of transportation for medical appointments and personal outings
Access to local health professionals (doctors, nurse practitioners, etc.)
Support and access to information about caring for aging relatives
Language barriers
Access to information to help me be an informed voter

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* 11. Are there any other issues or needs that you think are very important that we did not mention? Please tell us about them.

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* 12. Is there anything else you would like us to know?