Call for Conference Committee Members: CanWaCH 2018 Conference on Canada's Global Health and Development Programming Post 2020 |
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Program Advisory Committee or Communications Committee for the CanWaCH 2018 Conference, Canada's Global Health and Development Programming Post 2020, taking place April 18-19, 2018 in Ottawa, Canada.
Applications will be accepted until 4 pm EST on Thursday, November 30th.
It is recommended that all applicants endeavour to participate in the CanWaCH Member Brainstorming session on November 23, 2017 at 2 pm EST during which we will invite input on conference themes, topics and speakers from the CanWaCH membership.
It is recommended that all applicants endeavour to participate in the CanWaCH Member Brainstorming session on November 23, 2017 at 2 pm EST during which we will invite input on conference themes, topics and speakers from the CanWaCH membership.
Applicants should be an employee or consultant for a CanWaCH Member Organization or a CanWaCH Associate. If you are not sure you qualify, please contact info@CanWaCH.ca. In addition to members chosen through this selection process, both committees will include members from the CanWaCH secretariat and key stakeholder organizations (e.g. Global Affairs Canada, international partners, etc.).
Youth Leaders:
We are accepting youth leader applications for both conference committees. Youth applicants should be between the ages of 18 and 30. In addition to participating in regular committee meetings, youth leaders will be convened separately by CanWaCH to ensure that youth perspectives are considered in overall conference programming and planning and to discuss enhancing and expanding youth participation at the event.
Applicants will be notified if they have been accepted to the committee to which they have applied no later than Monday, December 4, 2017. We thank all applicants but to optimize committee efficiency we cannot accept an unlimited number of applicants. Every effort will be made to capture a balance of diversity among the CanWaCH membership (e.g. by applicant role and/or organization size and type as appropriate). For more information, please contact us at info@CanWaCH.ca.