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* 1. To help us better understand your responses, please confirm your role/s with the CUSD by selecting from the list below.

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* 2. If you are a District employee, parent, or administrator; please confirm the academic level most associated with your service or child/children.

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* 3. Are you a full FULL-TIME or PART-TIME employee?

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* 4. Are you a full FULL-TIME or PART-TIME employee?

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* 5. Using the ranking scale provided, please clarify your support for the changes currently under consideration:

  I DO NOT support this change. I have NO PREFERENCE at this time. I DO support this change.
1.) Maintain STATUS-QUO calendar.
2.)   Begin the instructional year one week later in August, 2022; during the week of August 29th – September 2nd.
3.)   Begin the instructional year earlier in August, 2022; during the week of August 15th – August 19th.  [This could alleviate stress for our Secondary level ‘advanced placement’ students and college requisite classes.]
4.)   Begin the instructional year after Labor Day weekend; September 6, 2022 or later.
5.)   Regardless of the actual start date, build in a “SOFT-START” for the instructional year by beginning with a 3 day instructional week; versus the current 5 day instructional week.
6.) Increase the number of paid IN-SERVICE / PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT days at the outset of the Instructional year. [Currently, District employees are contractually required to attend a single IN-SERVICE / PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT day within the contracted year.  This day is currently placed at the outset of the instructional year. ]
7.) Increase the number of paid IN-SERVICE / PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT days; and distribute them  throughout the instructional year.  [Currently, District employees are contractually required to attend a single IN-SERVICE / PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT day within the contracted year.  Although this day is currently placed at the outset of the instructional year, additional PD days could be placed on either Halloween, the Monday following Easter, or on a date designed to break up months  where no other student holidays exist.] 
8.) Return to a 3 week WINTER BREAK. [This was the calendar model prior to Superintendent Rigby’s arrival to the CUSD.]
9.) Decrease the SUMMER BREAK by a single week, and use those additional days to (A) return to a 3 WEEK WINTER BREAK & (B) add two or three paid IN-SERVICE / PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT days.  [This was the calendar model prior to Superintendent Rigby’s arrival to the CUSD.]
10.)   Extend SPRING BREAK:  [To include either the week or portion of the week following Easter Sunday; but no more than a two-week break period.]
11.)   Do not return after WINTER BREAK on a cultural holiday.  [The current calendar brought families and employees back to work on the “Dia De Los Reyes,”  which was perceived as insensitive to the CUSD’s majority Hispanic population.]

12.)   Remove EVACUATION DAYS, currently placed at the end of the Instructional year.  [Has the opportunity for REMOTE LEARNING relieved District stakeholders of the concerns that originally motivated the addition of EVACUATION DAYS?]
13.)   Change the entire CUSD system to a TRIMESTER model (3 distinct grading periods), versus a SEMESTER (2 distinct grading periods) model.
14.)   Allow Elementary level school-sites to pursue a TRIMESTER model (3 distinct grade reporting periods), while secondary level school-sites pursue a SEMESTER model (2 distinct grade reporting periods).
15.) Begin moving the CUSD to a YEAR ROUND school system model.  (Approximately 3 months on, one month off.)
16.)   Increase BOARD HOLIDAYS throughout the annual calendar year, which would have a direct impact on the working conditions of CLASSIFIED personnel.   [ Examples could be the addition of  BOARD HOLIDAYS during the SPRING BREAK week, a JUNETEENTH holiday (June 19, 2023), EASTER MONDAY (April 10, 2023),  or THANKSGIVING WEDNESDAY, (Nov. 23, 2022).]

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* 6. Please share any other comments, questions, or concerns below:

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* 7. If you are interested in supporting the Union's bargaining team by directly participating in bargaining the 2022-23 - District CALENDAR, please provide your contact data below: