1. What is the research study about?
You are invited to take part in this research study. This project seeks to explore the perceptions, understandings and practices of university staff who work with domestic culturally and linguistically diverse migrants and refugee (CALD M/R) students (by which we mean any student with a CALD background who does not hold an international student visa but who arrived as a migrant or refugee) with regard to their preparedness for ‘transitioning out’ of higher education and into employment or further study that is commensurate with the studies they have recently completed.
The research study aims to:
a) Document the observations of key university staff working either directly with CALDM/R students (as educators or support staff), or who have decision-making capacity to inform the teaching and learning experiences, of these students with regard to the staff participants’ perceptions and understandings of CALDM/R students’ preparedness for ‘transitioning out’ of their studies;
b) Map the known/ existing targeted supports that CALDM/R students can access to support their study/ ‘transition out’ needs, and to outline the kinds of supports that academic staff view as needed but not available; and
c) Develop an evidence base of university staff perceptions, which can inform a framework, to be developed to understand CALDM/R students’ transitions out of four professionally oriented degree programs.
As a university staff member working with CALDM/R students, you have been invited to participate in this study.
2. Who is conducting this research?
The study is being carried out by the following researchers:
· Dr Sally Baker (CI), School of Social Sciences, UNSW
· Dr Clemence Due, School of Psychology, University of Adelaide
· Megan Rose, School of Social Sciences, UNSW
· Dr Prasheela Karan, School of Social Sciences, UNSW
Research Funder: This research project has received internal funding from the School of Social Sciences, UNSW.
3. Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
Before you decide to participate in this research study, we need to ensure that it is ok for you to participate. The research study is looking to recruit people who meet the following criteria:
· Disciplinary teaching staff (course tutors, course convenors, program convenors) in the key “caring” disciplines of psychology, social work, nursing and education; or
· Support staff (learning advisors, language experts, counsellors, equity practitioners); or
· Senior managers with responsibility for teaching and learning; and
· At least 12 months’ experience working for a university in either a teaching or professional role.
4. Do I have to take part in this research study?
Participation in this research study is voluntary. If you do not want to take part, you do not have to. If you decide to take part and later change your mind, you are free to withdraw from the study at any stage.
If you decide you want to take part in the research study, you will be asked to:
· Read the information carefully (ask questions if necessary);
· Indicate your willingness to consent by selecting “yes” below, or, if you do not wish to participate, selecting “no” and exiting the survey.