Chicago Alternative Comics Expo 2014 Attendee Survey

Thanks so much for taking our CAKE attendee survey! We are committed to bringing Chicago the absolute best comics show in the midwest, and we appreciate any and all feedback you can contribute.

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* 1. Which years did you attend CAKE? Please select all that apply.

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* 2. What brought you out to CAKE? Please select all that apply.

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* 3. What is your interest in comics?

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* 4. Please rate how satisfied you are with the following aspects of your experience attending CAKE 2014:

  Completely Satisfied Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Not Very Satisfied Not Satisfied At All Don't know / not applicable
Ease of navigation through the space
Quantity of books/art for sale
The neighborhood / other amenities in the area of the show
Overall experience
Variety of programming during the show
Ease of getting to the show
The venue, Center on Halsted
Quality of books/art for sale
Quality of programming during the show
Ease of meeting exhibitors I wanted to talk to
Helpfulness of volunteers and staff
Helpfulness of program & map for navigation

Question Title

* 5. For the following aspects of your experience attending CAKE, please rate how important they are for your interest in attending CAKE next year:

  Extremely Important Very Important Somewhat Important Not Very Important Not Important At All Don't know / not applicable
Ease of meeting exhibitors I wanted to talk to
Helpfulness of program & map for navigation
Helpfulness of volunteers and staff
The neighborhood / other amenities in the area of the show
Quality of books/art for sale
Quality of programming during the show
Quantity of books/art for sale
Ease of navigation through the space
Variety of programming during the show
Ease of getting to the show
The venue, Center on Halsted

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* 6. Did you use the mini-comic incentive sticker card?

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* 7. Did the "Debut" or "Limited Supply" cake-icon cards draw your attention to specific books on the exhibitor's tables?

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* 8. Where did you hear about CAKE 2014? Please select all that apply.

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* 9. Based on your experience this year, would you be interested in attending CAKE in 2015?

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* 10. If you answered "no" in question 9, why will you not return to the show next year?

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* 11. If you answered "I don't know" in question 9, why are you unsure about attending next year?

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* 12. As an attendee, what was your favorite thing about CAKE?

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* 13. As an attendee, what was your least favorite thing about CAKE?

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* 14. What would you would like to see more of in the future, if anything?