CAE CD KU Discussion Survey

This survey is to collect input on KU's.  This survey is created by Art Conklin from the University of Houston and is being used to collect information to be used in developing responses from the community on improving the KU's.  This effort is key to the community (schools) developing input on improving KU's.  Most of it is free form input and we welcome your input. Contact information is available at the end of the survey and is optional.
Thank you for your input.
-- The CAE CD KU Community Working Group

(Note: The US Government did not sponsor this survey, nor are they collecting the data. The effort is being done by CAE CD institutions independently of the govenment partners in the CAE program.)

Question Title

* 1. Are there other topics related to cybersecurity which the CAE-CD KUs do not address? (what is missing?)

Question Title

* 2. Are there specific industries that the current KUs do not adequately address?
(such as Medical; Aerospace; Legal; Foreign Affairs; Governance and policy; etc.)

Question Title

* 3. Are there areas in the NICE Framework that the CAE-CD KUs do not address? If so, which ones?