
Fill out the 5 sections below. Once all questions are answered, press the button that says "Submit Application", and you're done!

Important note: We are a small office, so we ask you to submit this application at least a week before the workshop starts. We are happy to process applications after the deadline if we have time, but we can't make any promises.

Question Title

* 1. Please fill out this contact information:

Question Title

* 2. Name the workshop you would like to attend:

Question Title

* 3. Please briefly explain why you would like to take this workshop:

Question Title

* 4. What amount can you contribute towards the cost of this workshop? We suggest a $25 donation to cover admin costs and help fund future scholarships. We know COVID-19 has made finances tight for many. We are happy to have you join us for no additional cost.

Question Title

* 5. What is a good time to call to collect payment information? The Cabin is able to call you anytime from 9 – 5, Monday – Friday

Here are some things to know about your application process: 

  • Someone from The Cabin will call or email you to let you know if your scholarship has been awarded. From there, someone will call to take your payment information over the phone.
  • Your scholarship is dependent on the workshop meeting minimum enrollment, and is also at the discretion of The Cabin's staff.
  • You are eligible for 1 workshop scholarship a year

Thanks for your interest in The Cabin's programs!  Press the "Submit Application" button below, and we'll be in touch.