Exit this survey 2nd Annual CleanTechnica Reader Survey Question Title Question Title * 1. What technologies are you most interested in seeing CleanTechnica cover? (Pick up to 3 options) Solar Wind Geothermal Tidal/Wave/Ocean Energy Energy Efficiency & Conservation Energy Storage EVs Alternative Fuels Aviation Trains & Transit Bikes Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Which aspects of cleantech are you most interested in? (Pick up to 2) Policy Business Scientific Advancements/News Green Jobs Large Projects/Installations Consumer Options Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. How would you most like us to cover the topics above? Numerous posts with little to medium depth/originality (but with links to sources with more depth). Smaller number of posts (relative to the above option) but with relatively more depth/originality. Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. IDEALLY (in a perfect world), how many articles would you like to see CleanTechnica publish in a day? 1-5 5-8 9-12 13+ Question Title * 5. How often do you visit CleanTechnica? (this does not influence the importance of your answers in any way) More than Once a Day Once a Day A Few Times a Week Once a Week Less than Once a Week Question Title * 6. How do you typically visit CleanTechnica? Directly Through RSS Through a Search Engine (e.g. Google) Through Facebook Through Twitter Through Story Links on Other Sites A Combination of the Above Other Comments? Question Title * 7. Are you a professional in the cleantech industry? Yes No If you are a cleantech professional, in which type of position do you work (e.g. sales & marketing, engineering, manufacturing, finance, R&D, executive/management)? Question Title * 8. Where did you first find out about CleanTechnica? a Google (or other search engine) search StumbleUpon Facebook Twitter an RSS share Digg Reddit LinkedIn Google+ Hacker News Scientific American Reuters Grist another blog or news site an email .. forget Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. How long have you been a reader on CleanTechnica? (this does not influence the importance of your answers in any way) less than 1 month 1-2 months 2-3 months 3-5 months 5-7 months 7 months to a year 1-2 years more than 2 years Done