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Thanks for considering Blue Herring!

Hi everyone. I'm Mark W. Schumann, and you probably got to this survey from my or my company's LinkedIn page. The purpose of this survey is to get a few people involved in the early beta program for this new product.

If you don't know about the product, check out for an overview.

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* 1. First off: do you manage or administer an IT operation?

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* 2. Are you interested in participating in the early beta program of Blue Herring, a tool that continuously monitors changes in the configuration of resources like servers, APIs, DNS zones, and database schemas?

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* 3. For lack of a better term, what's your technology vendor culture?

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* 4. What is your security stance?

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* 5. How would you describe your requirement for configuration change monitoring? What types of things would you be monitoring and why are they relevant?

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* 6. When would you be ready to start working with Blue Herring?

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* 7. What authority do you have in making the decision to commit to implementing Blue Herring or not? (Check all that apply. If none, leave this blank.)

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* 8. If you found that Blue Herring fulfills a significant need in your enterprise, would you be willing to pay for licensing?

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* 9. Given that the Blue Herring product is really new, how much coordination and implementation help do you anticipate needing to get started with it?

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* 10. Any questions or comments on the product, the beta program, or anything related?

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* 11. This is great! Thanks for answering all those questions! Now I'm going to need some kind of contact information. Please fill in enough so I can reach back and have a conversation. Name and email or name and phone number are fine.

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