Secondary school students:
This year, the School Board is asking the community to provide feedback regarding student use of cell phones in schools. This feedback will be shared with an advisory committee of parents, students and staff for their review. The group will identify themes found in the responses and provide recommendations to the School Board. The feedback and recommendations will ultimately be used to help inform the creation of a cell phone policy.

Please take this five-minute survey below by noon, November 3. Survey results will be shared publicly in the coming weeks.

Question Title

* 1. What school do you attend?

Question Title

* 2. Do you bring your cell phone to school?

Question Title

* 3. Students learn better when their phone is off or put away.

Question Title

* 4. How do you feel students are affected when their phone is off or put away?

Question Title

* 5. How do you get to and from school? (Choose all that apply.)

Question Title

* 6. Which of these statements best applies to your school:

Question Title

* 7. Do you feel classroom teachers consistently enforce the current expectations for cell phone use?

Question Title

* 8. I believe student cell phone use impacts my school’s community by . . .

  Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Don't know No opinion
Improving the quality of student work
Improving mental health through increased connection to communities
Making students more organized or productive
Improving safety and access to emergency services
Making students more distracted or tired
Making students more depressed, anxious, or lonely/disconnected
Increasing or amplifying student conflict and/or bullying
Lowering the quality of student work

Question Title

* 9. Although school staff are tasked with enforcing student cell phone use during the school day, parents’ influence can make a significant impact on their student’s cell phone use during the school day.

Question Title

* 10. What do you think the District’s cell phone use policy should be for each level of school?

  Fully restricted while at school (not permitted at any time) Restricted during class time but allowable in some situations and some times outside of class No restrictions while at school No opinion
Elementary school
Middle school
High school

Question Title

* 11. Consider each of the following out-of-the-classroom situations. Indicate if you think cell phone use should or should not be permitted in ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS.

  Permitted Not permitted No opinion
Before/after school
YCare program before/after school
On a school bus

Question Title

* 12. Consider each of the following out-of-the-classroom situations. Indicate if you think cell phone use should or should not be permitted in MIDDLE SCHOOLS.

  Permitted Not permitted No opinion
Before/after school
On a school bus
Out of class with a pass (restroom, etc.)
Hallway passing time
Club/activities after school

Question Title

* 13. Consider each of the following out-of-the-classroom situations. Indicate if you think cell phone use should or should not be permitted in HIGH SCHOOLS.

  Permitted Not permitted No opinion
Before/after school
On a school bus
Out of class with a pass (restroom, etc.)
Hallway passing time
Free period
ReFLECT (Mounds View) or Knight Time (Irondale)
Clubs/activities after school

Question Title

* 14. What do you think is the best approach to student cell phone use during class times?

Question Title

* 15. If cell phones are not permitted in class periods, how supportive are you of the following exceptions?

  Very supportive Somewhat supportive Somewhat unsupportive Very unsupportive No opinion
Needed to monitor medical conditions
Needed for individual educational purposes
Needed for language translation services
Needed for school-to-home communication during a crisis

Question Title

* 16. Which of these statements best applies to your school(s)?

Question Title

* 17. If cell phones were not permitted at school at all, how difficult/easy do you feel consistent enforcement would be?

Question Title

* 18. If cell phones were restricted only during class time, how difficult/easy do you feel consistent enforcement would be for the following approaches?

  Very easy Somewhat easy Somewhat difficult Very difficult No opinion
Kept out of sight but still in the student’s possession (backpack, purse, pocket)
Collected by teacher in safe storage within the classroom

Question Title

* 19. Feel welcome to briefly share any other thoughts you have on student cell phone use in schools.