We are interested in your opinions about the November 29, 2021 SAVIR Webinar entitled “Innovative Approaches to Academic Injury and Violence Prevention Training: Training the Next Generation” as well as ways in which future webinars might be improved.

Question Title

* Membership Type:

Directions. Regarding your overall thoughts on the webinar, please rate your opinion on each statement using the following scale: 

1 = Strongly Disagree (SD)
2 = Disagree (D)
3 = Neither Agree nor Disagree (N)
4 = Agree (A)
5 = Strongly Agree (SA)

Question Title

* Please rank the following statements using the ranking definitions above:

The objectives of this webinar were clear to me.
The webinar met my expectations.
The length of the webinar was appropriate.
The pace of the webinar was satisfactory.
The webinar provided me with useful information for injury and violence research.
I plan to apply what I learned in this webinar.
The topics covered were presented in sufficient detail.
The content and information were presented effectively.
The instructors were well organized and prepared.
The instructors were knowledgeable about the course material.
The instructors answered questions effectively.
I am more likely to attend future SAVIR webinars as a result of my experience with this webinar.
Overall, I am satisfied with this webinar.

Question Title

* What did you like most about this webinar?

Question Title

* What suggestions would you make for improvements of future SAVIR webinars?

Question Title

* What future topic(s) would be of interest to you for our webinar series?

Question Title

* Please add any additional comments below:

To learn more about SAVIR go to https://www.savirweb.org!

Thank you!!!