Help us help you. allows publishers and advertisers to directly connect and make deals they can't make on other advertising platforms. Would this help improve your revenue, your traffic or your brand?

If you could take a moment to fill in the survey on this page, it would be greatly appreciated. I will post the results periodically, so you can see how other bloggers responded.

If you don't run ads on your blog, and never want to, please answer questions 1 & 2 and then submit.

Question Title

* 1. Do you want to earn more ad revenue?

Question Title

* 2. Do you want to show ads that better fit your publication.

Question Title

* 3. What control over ad approval would best suit you publication?

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* 4. Do you think you could charge more to advertisers that your publication compliments?

Question Title

* 5. Can you think of any advertisers that you would like to invite to advertise on your blog.