Impact of research on plastic consumption |
Agreement Form for Scientific Survey on Plastic Consumption during laboratory and research practices.

Dear Participant,
You are invited by King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) to participate in this survey on plastic consumption in laboratory research. The aim of this survey is to estimate the use of plastic consumables during research activities in two different fields: Marine Science and Biomedical Science.
Before proceeding, kindly read and accept the following terms and conditions:
Confidentiality and Anonymity: Your responses will remain strictly confidential. We will not disclose your personal information, and all data will be anonymized. Your personal information will be handled in accordance with data protection laws and regulations under the Institutional Biosafety and Bioethics Committee (IBEC) rules under Protocol: 23IBEC091.
Consent to participate and Use Data: Participation in the research is voluntary. Refusal to participate shall not entail penalty or loss of benefits to which the human subject would otherwise be entitled. The human subject may withdraw from the research at any phase without loss of benefits to which he is otherwise entitled.
Risk and benefits: There are very low risks associated with this survey. However, there is the potential reputational risks. These risks are mitigating by ensure confidentiality and anonymity. There will be no direct (monetary) benefits to participants. However, by participating in this survey, you will contribute to estimating plastic usage in research facilities and raising awareness about the issue of plastic pollution.
Single Response: This survey is intended to be completed only once per research group. Multiple submissions from the same group will not be considered.
Participation criteria: To participate you must be working in the field of Marine Science or Biomedical Science and not be associated to the Commercial Sector. This survey is intended for individuals not working in the commercial sector or directly producing for the commercial market. If you are affiliated with the commercial sector, kindly refrain from participating in this survey.
Thank you for your cooperation and valuable contribution to our research. The survey may take approximately 15 minutes to complete, excluding the time required for data gathering.
If you have any questions or require further information about this survey, you can contact us at
By continuing with this survey, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this agreement and willingly consent to participate.