K-12 Title VI Program

Question Title

* 1. Is your student an enrolled tribal member or a descendant of a federally recognized tribe? If not, you do not need to fill out this survey.

Question Title

* 2. How and when should services be provided to your student/students?

  Daily during school hours As needed during school hours After School program 2 days a week Before school  N/A
Pre-K-3rd Grade
4th-6th Grade
7-9th Grade
10th-12th grade

Question Title

* 3. How can we help your child be successful in the school environment?

  Highly important Important No option Low importance No importance
Tutoring before school
Tutoring after school
Family Fun Night/ Indian Education Parent meetings
During school pull-out sessions?
Cultural relvent teachings/projects
other (please specify)

Question Title

* 4. How can we help your child prepare for their academic future?

  Highly important Important No opinion Low importance No importance
Credit tracking
Attendance tracking
Organizational and study skills
learning positive behavior and skills to get along with others

Question Title

* 5. How can we help your child prepare for their career and future?

  Highly important Important No opinion Low importance No importance
Financial literacy
Job search skills
Resume building,cover letter creation, and job applications
College applications and the financial aid process
Mentoring, problem solving and learning positive behavior
Other (please specify)

Question Title

* 6. What should the focus of the program be?

  Highly Important Important No opinion Low importance No importance
Culture tradition, and crafts
Progress toward graduation
Positive hehavior and social skills
Native curriculum

Question Title

* 7. Please leave comments or suggestions on how we may better serve your student.