Questionnaire Survey

Green Check Questionnaires - A Survey About Your Workflow

Hello from Green Check’s Product Team! Even if you haven’t used questionnaires yet in Green Check, your feedback is still valuable. We are reaching out to get a better understanding of the workflow for reviewing questionnaire results when they are submitted by the CRB. Some questions we are trying to solve are: 

  • What actions do you have to take on questionnaire results? 
  • Do you review all results that come in or only the results for certain questionnaires (and rely on reporting otherwise)? 
Please answer the questions to the best of your knowledge.
1.Have you created new diligence templates or questionnaires yet on Green Check?
2.What kinds of questionnaires do you envision sending out to your CRB accounts regularly?
3.Are all questionnaires created with the same outcome in mind—meaning, do you need to review each questionnaire result for every questionnaire or do you have different workflows depending on the type?
4.Please explain your last response
5.Imagine that you create a yearly questionnaire to be sent to all your CRB accounts to attest that they are operating in accordance with state laws. For a questionnaire like this, how would you handle the responses that come in from your CRBs?
6.Here’s another example: suppose you create a monthly questionnaire to be sent to all hemp businesses that asks them to upload monthly testing results. For a questionnaire like this, how would you handle the responses that come in from your CRBs?
7.In this example when specifically reviewing hemp testing results, what are the actions you might take on these results (check all that apply)?
8.What is a reason you might send a questionnaire back for adjustment?
9.How would you ideally like to view your questionnaire results (check all that apply)?
10.To be eligible for the chance to win an Amazon gift card for completing the survey, please enter your email address into the box below.
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered