Thank you for completing the South Australian GP Obstetric Shared Care Survey

We greatly appreciate your feedback on the SA GP Obstetric Shared Care Program. Both GPEx and SA Health are committed to supporting GPs in providing excellent pregnancy care to women in the community. Your input helps us continue to improve and enhance the program.

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* 1. Was this your first experience with GP Obstetric Shared Care?

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* 2. What was the distance from your home to your GP who provided Obstetric Shared Care?

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* 3. Were you satisfied with the number of visits you had with your GP during this pregnancy?

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* 4. Did the cost of seeing your GP affect your decision to be involved with Obstetric Shared Care?

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* 5. How satisfied were you with the overall clinical service you have received from your GP?

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* 6. How satisfied were you with the explanations you received regarding pregnancy matters from your GP?

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* 7. Which of the following did you discuss on at least one of your visits with your GP?

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* 8. When attending hospital visits, were you satisfied with the service provided?

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* 9. How satisfied were you with the ante-natal care you received from your GP?

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* 10. Which Hospital were you booked in to have your baby?

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* 11. The following statements ask how you felt about various aspects of the Obstetric Shared Care Program

  strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree
I felt confident in my GP
I felt anxious about participating in the Obstetric Shared care program
I felt involved in my Obstetric care for this pregnancy
Talking to my GP about problems I was experiencing during this pregnancy was easy
I understood what was happening in my pregnancy
I was always able to obtain the advice I needed from my GP

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* 12. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions on how we can improve your experience with Obstetric Shared Care, including your interactions with your GP and hospital staff? We value your input!