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* 1. Professional Status:

Question Title

* 2. Title: STD Update for the Busy Clinician
Faculty: Rachel Safran, MD, FACP, AAHIVS
  • Identify recent trends in STDs/STIs.
  • Describe the clinical presentation of common STDs/STIs.
  • Review key changes and highlight updated recommendations from the CDC’s 2021 STI Treatment Guidelines.

  Not at all Very little Somewhat A fair amount Very well
Was the objective for this topic met?
Was the topic presented effectively?
Was this topic relevant to my practice?
Did the speaker balance objectivity and scientific rigor?
Were the slides and materials presented effectively?

Question Title

* 3. Was there an opportunity to ask questions?

Question Title

* 4. Will you change the way you practice due to new knowledge gained?

Question Title

* 5. Was the faculty biased in his/her presentation?

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