Our Strategic Direction #1 is 'Meeting Community Needs'. The goal is to be a leader in meeting the diverse needs of our community. One of the objectives in this goal is to enhance the services for the clients we currently serve who are between 15 and 27 years old. Please take the time to answer these 29 questions, so we will know which direction to take and how to enhance the services we can provide either to yourself or your family member. Thank you for your time.

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* 1. Are you a

*If you are a parent or caregiver, please answer these questions with your family member/client in mind. 

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* 2. What is your, or your family member/client's, age?

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* 3. Below is a list of agencies - please select any who are providing you, or your family member/client, with help?

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* 4. Is the lack of support preventing you, or your family member/client, from employment?

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* 5. What is your, or your family member/client's, employment status?

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* 6. Do you know how to find the services you, or your family member/client, need in the community?

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* 7. If unemployed, what supports would help you, or you family member/client, find employment (check all that apply)

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* 8. Would you, or your family member/client, like help with these job related activities? (check all that apply)

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* 9. Do you, or you family member/client, have reliable telephone access?

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* 10. Do you, or your family member/client, have access to the internet?

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* 11. What is your, or your family member/client's, preferred communication method? (check all that apply)

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* 12. What is your housing status?

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* 13. Are you satisfied that your, or your family member/client's, educational needs are being met?