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Question Title

* 1. Business Name:

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* 2. Full name of key contact:

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* 3. Email address of Key contact:

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* 4. Phone Number of Key Contact

Question Title

* 5. Rate the following statements in terms of the current state of your business. 

  Absolutely So-so Neutral Not so much Not at all
I have no doubt that my business will sell easily and at top dollar when the time comes.
I provide employees with opportunities to develop their skills and work to their strengths
I know what my human resources risks are
Our business recruits, retains, and develops top talent who can grow the business without me.
I trust my leadership team, managers, and employees to do what needs to be done.
I can take a month off from my business and it will run fine without me.
I feel as much passion for the business today as I did when I first got into it.
We test at least three new tactics every month to improve the business.
I spend the vast majority of my time as a CEO – setting direction and developing talent – and not as a fire fighter.
I have enough free time to enjoy with family, friends, and on hobbies.
We have a clear strategic plan that allows us to beat the competition and stand out in our target market.
We earn much of our revenues from repeat or recurring business.
Each month we identify the key numbers that drive our revenues, profits, and cash flow and set aggressive targets to improve them.
We have mapped out all of our key processes so that none are dependent on any key employees.
I have a clear exit plan, including a date and timeline to transfer ownership or my responsibilities.

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* 6. Rate the following statements 1 to 5 based on how much you agree or disagree with them:

  1 - No Way 2 - Mostly Disagree 3 - Neutral 4 - Mostly Agree 5 - Absolutely
I know how many units I need to sell to breakeven every week, month, quarter, and year.
I can paint a clear picture of what I want this business to look like in 3 and 5 years.
We have a clear edge in the market.
We test at least 5 new ideas every month to improve results.
I can take a month-long vacation without any adverse effects on the business.
I have earned the respect of my employees, not just their friendship.
I know the key numbers that drive sales.
I know how I will exit this business.
We allocate time every year to review and develop our strategic plan.
We measure every single marketing initiative we do.
We have clear job descriptions and everyone has a clear role with clear responsibilities.
I care more about the lasting success of the business than the money and status I get from it.
We set specific goals to improve the numbers that drive sales.
I am at least as passionate about the business today as I was when I started it.
When we come up with strategic priorities, we execute them.
When we come up with strategic priorities, we execute them.
We invest more than 50% of our marketing on current customers.
We have documented our processes and have clear performance goals for each.
My employees would say that I set clear expectations for their performance and tell them how they are doing.
We project cash flow at least every month.
I am aware of beliefs that hold me back, if any, and I'm working on shifting those.
We have no more than 3 to 5 strategic priorities at any one time.
Each employee has clear performance metrics to meet.
My employees feel valued and appreciated for their contributions.
We know that every nickel we spend is as productive and cost-effective as possible.
I am aware of what stands in the way of our achieving our vision.
We have an in-depth understanding of our customers' needs and how we provide value to them.
For us, marketing involves each and every interaction we have with anyone else.
Our company is a magnet for top talent in the area.
My people do what I expect them to do

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* 7. What are your biggest challenges at the moment?

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* 8. With unlimited time and resources, what is the one thing you would do to improve your business?