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We want to hear from you!

Camp Manito-wish YMCA wants your feedback. This form is intended to give you a place to give feedback to our full time staff team in a confidential format. Examples of ways you might want to use this include but are not limited to:

- Kudos! If someone is doing a great job and you want us to know, please share!

- Concerns - if you are concerned about a practice, policy or program we want to know - please share!

- Ideas - have a great idea? Please share!

- Safety - if you are concerned about your or someone else's physical, mental or emotional safety but are uncomfortable talking with your supervisor. Please share!

- Something doesn't feel right - did something occur or was something said that made you feel uncomfortable or made you question someone or their actions. Please share!

For access to the Employee Assistance Program benefits available to you please use this link and company access code 9622

Thank you

Question Title

* 1. Name (optional)

Question Title

* 2. Please share your comments:

This survey will only be seen by Judy Tegtmeyer (CEO) and Karmen Tornow (HR Officer)
Survey responses are reviewed with 24 hours
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