We want to know what YOU think about your student's school!

This survey will help us get valuable information from our parents so we can improve the education here.

Question Title

* 1. This school provides parents with plenty of opportunities to support the school. For example: volunteering in classrooms, helping with school-wide events, etc.

Question Title

* 2. The school regularly shares information about my student's academic performance

Question Title

* 3. The principal at this school…

  strongly disagree disagree somewhat neutral somewhat agree strongly agree
is strongly committed to shared decision making
works to create a sense of community in the school
promotes family and community involvement in the school

Question Title

* 4. Indicate the extent to which you agree/disagree with the following statements about the school

  strongly disagree disagree somewhat neutral somewhat agree strongly agree
I feel good about the way my student’s teachers support him or her
My student’s teachers do their best to help my student learn
I feel respected by my student's teachers
My student's teacher appreciates our culture/background

Question Title

* 5. Indicate the extent to which you agree/disagree with the following statements about the school

  strongly disagree disagree somewhat neutral somewhat agree strongly agree
School staff regularly communicate with parents/guardians about how staff can help students learn
Staff at this school work hard to build trusting relationships with parents/guardians like me
Parents guardians are invited to visit classrooms to observe instruction
Parents/guardians are greeted warmly when they call or visit the school
Teachers and parents/guardians think of each other as partners in educating children
Teachers work closely with families to meet students’ needs
Teachers communicate regularly with parents/guardians
School staff encourage feedback from parents/guardians and the community
Teachers try to understand families’ problems and concerns
My student’s teacher can communicate well with parents/guardians from different cultures/backgrounds
My student's teachers incorporate students’ cultures backgrounds into the curriculum to make learning more meaningful
My student sees people of many cultures/backgrounds represented in the curriculum
My student’s teachers connect to students of different cultures/backgrounds

Question Title

* 6. Indicate the extent to which you agree/disagree with the following statements about the school

  strongly disagree disagree somewhat neutral somewhat agree strongly agree
This school offers a wide enough variety of courses, extracurricular activities and services to keep my student's interest in school
I trust the principal at his/her word
The principal is an effective manager who makes the school run smoothly
The principal at this school works hard to build trusting relationships with parents/guardians like me
My student’s school will make me aware if there are any emotional or psychological issues affecting his/her academic performance
At this school my student is safe
This school is kept clean
The school establishes high expectations for learning