Plant Biology 2020 Survey, July 25-29, 2020 Thank you for taking the time to respond to this survey asking for your thoughts about Plant Biology 2020. Question Title * 1. At this point in time, do you plan on attending Plant Biology 2020 in person in Washington D.C.? Yes Yes, I've already registered No Not Sure Question Title * 2. Is your organization currently experiencing travel restrictions? Yes - through end of May Yes - through end of June Yes - through end of July Yes - through end of August Yes - but duration undetermined No Not Sure If yes, please provide any additional information on duration and details of the restriction. Question Title * 3. Has your organization experienced lab closures? Yes - through end of May Yes - through end of June Yes - through end of July Yes - through end of August Yes - but duration undetermined No Not Sure If yes, provide any additional information on duration and details of closure. Question Title * 4. Has your organization cancelled summer activities or classes? Yes - through end of May Yes - through end of June Yes - through end of July Yes - through end of August Yes - but duration undetermined No Not Sure If yes, provide any additional information on duration. Question Title * 5. Would you attend a virtual Plant Biology 2020 conference at a reduced registration fee if you were unable to attend in person, assuming that the amount and quality of content, career resources and networking was comparable to what you would expect from an in-person experience? Yes No Not sure - depends on price Not sure - depends on content Not sure - depends on schedule, time zones and/or my availability to participate Not sure - other (specify below) Question Title * 6. Would you be interested in a further discounted registration rate for a 10-person group attending a virtual Plant Biology 2020 conference? Yes No Not sure Comments Question Title * 7. Please share any additional feedback you may have for us. Question Title * 8. If applicable, please indicate your position Postdoc Graduate Student Undergraduate Student Executive Leader Group Leader Faculty Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. Indicate your job sector Industry Academia - major research university Academia - primarily undergraduate university Government Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. Are you an ASPB member? Yes No Question Title * 11. What is your geographic location? Africa Asia Australia/Oceania Europe North America South America Thank you for your time and thoughtful responses. Done