Exit QAI Client Survey Question Title We appreciate any feedback you can give about QAI’s services, to help us to improve the way we provide our services. This survey will only take 4 minutes. It is confidential and your name is not required. We may share statistics gathered in QAI's annual report or other material, but only in an anonymous, de-identified way. Your comments will only be shared outside of QAI if you give us express permission to do so. This survey can also be completed by calling (07) 3844 4200 and providing us with verbal feedback.If you have any questions about this survey, would like to become a member of QAI, or know more about our organisation, please contact us.Phone (07) 3844 4200Email qai@qai.org.auWebsite qai.org.au Question Title * 1. Your name - OPTIONAL - if you would like to give identifiable feedback Question Title * 2. Date of feedback Please enter the date this survey was completed Date Question Title * 3. Which service did you receive assistance from? (If you received assistance from more than one service, please complete a different survey for each one) Human Rights Advocacy Mental Health Advocacy Justice Support Advocacy NDIS Appeals Advocacy Young Peoples Advocacy Supported Accommodation Inquiry Systems Advocacy Don't know or other Question Title * 4. How did we help you (tick as many as appropriate)? I was referred to another organisation I received general information (including website information, factsheets etc) I received personalised advice or assistance I was represented at a hearing I was supported in speaking to various parties and negotiating the system I was not helped I received other help (please describe below) Question Title * 5. Please answer the following Yes Maybe No N/A I got the help I wanted from QAI (even if it was not the outcome I was hoping for) I got the help I wanted from QAI (even if it was not the outcome I was hoping for) Yes I got the help I wanted from QAI (even if it was not the outcome I was hoping for) Maybe I got the help I wanted from QAI (even if it was not the outcome I was hoping for) No I got the help I wanted from QAI (even if it was not the outcome I was hoping for) N/A QAI staff were professional and respectful QAI staff were professional and respectful Yes QAI staff were professional and respectful Maybe QAI staff were professional and respectful No QAI staff were professional and respectful N/A QAI helped me to understand my problem and my options QAI helped me to understand my problem and my options Yes QAI helped me to understand my problem and my options Maybe QAI helped me to understand my problem and my options No QAI helped me to understand my problem and my options N/A QAI met my cultural and personal needs QAI met my cultural and personal needs Yes QAI met my cultural and personal needs Maybe QAI met my cultural and personal needs No QAI met my cultural and personal needs N/A I would recommend QAI to other people I would recommend QAI to other people Yes I would recommend QAI to other people Maybe I would recommend QAI to other people No I would recommend QAI to other people N/A Would you like to tell us why? (For example, if you did not get the help you wanted, what help did you want?) Question Title * 6. Any other comments, suggestions or feedback? Question Title * 7. Do you consent to QAI using your answers from questions 4 or 5 for promotional purposes, for example, on their social media, website or annual report? Yes AND you can use my name Yes BUT do NOT use my name No Question Title * 8. Would you like to be contacted to be involved in focus groups, consulted about changes to systems, or become a member of QAI?If yes, we will retain your contact details and contact you when opportunities arise. You can also like our Facebook page facebook.com/queenslandadvocacy/ or visit our website qai.org.au. Please send me information about how to become a member of QAI No, please do not contact me Yes, I am interested in being contacted in the future. My preferred method of contact is: Thank you for your time to provide us with valuable feedback. If you require assistance from QAI, please contact us on (07) 3844 4200. Done