Y65 55th Reunion Class Panel

Please let us know the breakout discussion topics that most interest you.

Whether or not  you  currently plan to attend the Reunion, your feedback will help shape our program.

1.How interested would you and/or your spouse or partner be in attending a breakout session to discuss these PERSONAL topics.
Very interesting, would attend this session
Sounds interesting, might attend
No thanks, will pass
Coping with Aging 
Having "The Talk" about end-of-life choices 
What I wish my spouse had told me or done for me before dying
Living and Drinking in Our Cocktail Society
Move to a Retirement Community, or Stay Put? 
Retirement Travel 
Faith communities in a Secular Society
How about that book you always wanted to write?
Other---My Suggested topic
2.How interested would you and/or your spouse or partner be in attending a breakout session to discuss these CIVIC or SOCIAL topics.
Very interesting, would attend this session
Sounds interesting, might attend
No thanks, I will pass
Free Speech on College Campuses
Our Generation's Obligation to the Next Generation 
AI and Implications for Society 
"Kafka and China", a  book/play collaboration by Rothman and Protsik
The Yale-China Relationship
Our Class Listserv Replacement: Can It Be Improved?
Other---My suggested Topic
3.To help us plan room sizes for these discussion groups, please let us know whether you plan to attend the 55th Reunion on May 28-31.
4.Finally, if you would be interested in helping moderate small group discussion for any one of the topics, please let us know who you are in the Comment box below and we’ll be in touch with you.