The Sparta PAL offers Volleyball at our facility on Station Road in Sparta! The Gym has an in-floor volleyball net system. There is a Intermediate (B/BB) group on Tuesdays, Advanced (BB/A) group on Wednesday Evening and a Beginner/Recreational group playing Sunday Evenings. We offer Instructional (Drills/Skills) sessions when we can.  We will be offering sessions based on interest, current sessions are Coed 6's . The cost for a 2 to 3 Hour session is $11 per person each night, with all proceeds going to support the PAL.

We encourage players of all levels to fill out the survey. Our goal is for people to have fun but we also encourage sportsmanship and learning volleyball skills.

This Survey is being sent out to gather a list of interested players and people’s preferences.

Events are scheduled on  Once the survey is complete please join out group in order to RSVP for events.

For Multiple Choice questions please select all appropriate answers.

Question Title

* 1. If you are interested in Playing Volleyball, Please provide the following information.

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* 2. What time of the year are you interested in Playing?

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* 3. What days would you prefer? We are running a Wednesday Evening group but will consider other times based on responses and the availability of the gym.

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* 4. How long would you like a session to be?

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* 5. For a WEEKDAY evening, what time are you able to start and what would be the latest you would like to end?


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* 6. Please be honest/objective and select your ability level. These descriptions may not be perfect, feel free to add details in the Comments section below.

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* 7. Please provide any additional feedback: Questions, Comments, or Concerns.

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* 8. Referral: Please forward the Link to the Survey to anyone you think might be interested.
You may also optionally provide Names and Email Addresses; All information will be kept confidential.

Thank You for your interest.

Please Join our Meetup Group