Question Title

* 1. To the best of your knowledge, what percent of the employees at your work location are 55 years of age or older? Please include both full-time and part-time employees.

Question Title

* 2. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, workers 55 years of age and over are projected to make up approximately 26% of the labor force by the year 2022, compared to 21% in 2012 and 14% in 2002.  As the proportion of older workers increases, the potential impact resulting from the loss of their knowledge and experience may become more substantial. Which of the following best describes your organization’s preparation for this change?

Question Title

* 3. Overall, how would you describe the impact on your industry and your organization of the potential loss of talent as a result of older workers retiring or leaving their organizations for other reasons over the next…

  It is a crisis It is a problem It is a potential problem It is not a problem Don’t know
Impact on my Industry: 1-2 years?
Impact on my Industry: 3-5 years?
Impact on my Industry: 6-10 years?
Impact on my Industry: 11-20 years?
Impact on my Organization: 1-2 years?
Impact on my Organization: 3-5 years?
Impact on my Organization: 6-10 years?
Impact on my Organization: 11-20 years?

Question Title

* 4. Does your organization track the percentage of workers in your organization eligible to retire in the next…

  Yes No
1-2 years?
3-5 years?
6-10 years?
11-15 years?

Question Title

* 5. Strategic workforce planning is a process used to ensure an organization takes in account the future loss of knowledge through employee resignations/retirements and the projected knowledge/personnel resources required to achieve the organization’s goals. Has your organization conducted a strategic workforce planning assessment to…

  Yes No Don't know
Analyze the impact of workers aged 55+ leaving ... over the next 1-2 years
Analyze the impact of workers aged 55+ leaving ... over the next 3-5 years
Analyze the impact of workers aged 55+ leaving ... over the next 6-10 years
Identify your future workforce needs ... over the next 1-2 years
Identify your future workforce needs ... over the next 3-5 years
Identify your future workforce needs ... over the next 6-10 years
Identify your potential skills gaps…. over the next 1-2 years
Identify your potential skills gaps…. over the next 3-5 years
Identify your potential skills gaps…. over the next 6-10 years

Question Title

* 6. In your professional opinion, to what extent has the increasing age of your organization’s workforce begun to prompt changes in…

  To a great extent To some extent To a small extent Not at all Not applicable
Recruiting practices?
Retention practices?
General management policy/practices?

Question Title

* 7. What recruiting methods does your organization use to directly target older workers?  (Check all that apply.)