June 15 - 16, 2017 at the Morrow Center in Morrow, GA

The Georgia Grant Professionals Association (GGPA) is seeking workshop presenters for its 4th Annual Southern Regional Grant Conference taking place June 15 - 16, 2017. We are looking to offer a variety of workshop topics geared towards grant professionals with varying levels of experience. Each workshop session will be 1 1/4 hours long, and workshop rooms will typically be set up classroom-style. Due to the character limits below, we recommend you craft your answers in a Word document and cut and paste them into this survey before submission. 

Perks of being a #SRGC17 presenter*:
-           Earn Continuing Education Unit (CEU) credits
-           Attain presentation experience with immediate feedback from peers
-           Gain exposure for consulting and freelance endeavors
-           Enjoy free marketing of your workshop to conference attendees
-           Network with grant professionals from the southeastern region

*PLEASE NOTE: Due to the conference's relatively small size and budget, GGPA is unable to pay workshop presenters for their participation. GGPA is also unable to offer free or discounted conference registrations for presenters. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. 

The #SRGC17 is being held on June 15 - 16, 2017 at the Morrow Center (1180 Southlake Circle, Ste 100, Morrow, Georgia 30260). Additional details, including registration information, can be found at www.ggpa.org. You can also contact us at info@ggpa.org for questions or concerns.

Question Title

* 1. Presenter Information

Question Title

* 2. Presentation Title (Limit to 100 characters including spaces)

Question Title

* 3. Short Presentation Description for Conference Booklet (Limit to 600 characters including spaces)

Question Title

* 4. Full Presentation Description (Limit to 2,000 characters including spaces)

Question Title

* 5. Workshop Skill Level (Choose one)

Question Title

* 6. Please explain how this skill set is important to the grant professional. (Limit to 1,000 characters including spaces)

Question Title

* 7. Professional Biographical Sketch for Conference Booklet (Limit to 600 characters including spaces)

Question Title

* 8. Level of Presentation Experience (Choose one)

Question Title

* 9. Please provide three professional references who can attest to your public speaking abilities or content knowledge. (Include name, telephone, email, and relationship for each)

Question Title

* 10. Check all that apply: