When the Hampton Economic Development Authority sold a significant portion of the former site of the Virginia School for the Deaf and Blind, the City retained approximately 10 acres of the property. Additionally, the City of Hampton allocated $1.5 million from the proceeds of the land sale to support two main objectives: preserving the legacy of the former Virginia School and investing in public assets or infrastructure for the surrounding neighborhood.

Thank you for participating in this survey regarding the Greater Wythe neighborhood and the former Virginia School site. The purpose of this survey is to gather input from residents of the community, as well as those who will be affected by future development on the site. Topics covered include community values, aspirations for the future of the neighborhood, and concerns regarding ongoing development efforts.

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The following image serves as a reference for the upcoming question. The highlighted pink area indicates the City of Hampton's geographic outreach areas for the project

The following image serves as a reference for the upcoming question. The highlighted pink area indicates the City of Hampton's geographic outreach areas for the project

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1. Do you live in the highlighted neighborhood? Please refer to the included map of the area for context.

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2. What is your Zip Code?

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4. What is your connection to the former Virginia State School?

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5. Why is the school significant to you?

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6. How do you believe the legacy of the former school should be honored?

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7. What are some ways we can honor the legacy of the neighborhood?

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8. What do you want us to know about the site or the neighborhood?

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9. What do you value most about your community?
(Please check all that apply).

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10. What challenges or struggles do you experience in your daily life within the community?

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11. What specific changes would address these challenges? (e.g. drainage, sidewalks, street lighting, landscaping, etc.)

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12. What are the priorities for your community? (e.g., Infrastructure, activities for youth/senior/families, safety, parks, etc.)

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The following image depicts the project area. Please refer to it when answering Question 13.

The following image depicts the project area. Please refer to it when answering Question 13.

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13. How should the 10-acre parcel be used? Why?

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14. How would you spend $1.5 million to benefit your neighborhood?

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15. How would you like to be engaged in future discussions?

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16. What other groups or organizations should be included in our communication efforts?

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17. Is there anything else we should consider or any additional input you would like to provide?

Please visit our website landing page for this project to stay updated. If you would like email notifications about updates, please enter your email above.

Website: https://hampton.gov/vaschoolengagement