Missions Board Survey Instructions

Grace Baptist is "A Christ-Centered Community Sharing God's love with the world" and we serve our communities individually and in groups.  The Missions Board would like to document a snapshot of our areas of service in the last 12 months.  Our first goal is to take a moment to appreciate everyone--those who serve formally and publicly and those who serve their community without any fanfare.  Secondly, we would like to inspire even more service by providing examples and connections to those that are interested but don't know how to get started. 

Here is a short survey and will take less than five minutes to complete.  Each member of the family should fill this survey our separately.  Responses to questions are free form.  You can respond to one question and not the other or respond to both questions. 

Missions Board
Patrice Erik, Betty Helpa, Kate Phillips, Sue Jenkins, Brandon Montgomery, Nancy Burns, and Irene Philips.  

Question Title

* 1. Name:

Question Title

* 2. List your areas of service at church, work, community, etc.

Question Title

* 3. List any area of service that you might be interested in, if you had the time or had a friend to join you.