iMOVE and University of Melbourne AIMES are considering the exploration of individual research options (#1-6) with interested organisations and companies. We envisage a series of short on-line sessions to engage with potential partners and develop a collective focus on the desired objectives and outcomes of the research.

To assist us in prioritising and organising these sessions, we invite your response regarding your level of interest in the following six project options, as presented in the webinar.

Question Title

* 1. Your contact details:

Question Title

* 2. What is your interest in each of the following research areas/topics:

  1 - LOW 2 3 4 5 - HIGH
1. SAFETY CASE (the next wave of traffic safety: the Safe Ecosystem via C-ITS)
2. TRAFFIC IMPACTS (traffic sensors in motion)
3. HD MAPPING CASE (ultra high-fidelity sensitivity to immediate crash risks)
4. EMBRACING PUBLIC SERVICE VEHICLES (safe harmonisation with large vehicles)
5. REGIONAL & RURAL DEPLOYMENT (preventing single-vehicle crashes)
6. FOCUS ON VRUS (people-centric traffic control and driver awareness)

Question Title

* 3. Do you have any comments or ideas not covered here?