Aligned with the strategic plan AMC rolled out in late 2015, we will be providing a written submission to the Government of Canada as it consults with Canadians and Canadian businesses to develop its 2018 budget.  The written submission is due on August 4, 2017. 
These consultations are an opportunity to influence how federal dollars are allocated in 2018 and beyond. A submission enables AMC to not only raise the profile of agricultural equipment manufacturers in Canada but also seek support for items that are key to enhancing our industry’s competitiveness and productivity.

One of our primary goals is to represent the AMC membership in our lobbying and advocacy efforts. The most effective way for AMC to accomplish this is to draw upon the experiences, data, and opinions of you, our members.  As such, we ask that you fill out our five question survey with as much relevant detail as possible on or before July 21.

Question Title

* 1. The federal government had identified it wants to increase productivity and competitiveness of Canadians and Canadian businesses. Please share your thoughts on options AMC should propose to help our industry grow.

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* 2. Regarding innovation, do you use the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) or Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP)? If so, what challenges and opportunities did you have using them over the last three years?

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* 3. Looking forward, what if any changes do you propose the federal government adopt to better motivate and reward innovation in our industry?

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* 4. With more than 80% of AMC's manufacturing members already exporting, what do you think the federal government could do to enhance our industry's competitiveness globally? If the government pursued your suggestions, what would the likely outcome be? Is there data publicly available that helps support your perspective? Please provide the sources of this data.

Question Title

* 5. The federal government had identified the environment as a priority. Do you believe increasing the Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) rate for farm machinery will help farmers invest into new equipment? Is this a policy proposal you support AMC advocating for?