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Meet your Economic Development Recovery Team

An Economic Development Recovery and Resiliency Team has been created to serve our region.  It is comprised of elected officials, educators, bankers, economic development, and many other professionals.  Your participation in this assessment will help us all to better prepare to recover from the COVID-19 crisis.  Information provided will be held in confidence and only used collectively.  If you request information we will endeavor to answer your request.  This important work is sponsored by NorthWestern Energy, Inc.

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* 1. Your contact information

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* 2. In what City is your business in, or located near?

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* 3. What is your relationship to this business?

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* 4. Is your business considered "essential"

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* 5. What percent of your business is currently shut down during COVID-19?

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* 6. How many employees does your company have?

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* 7. What percent of employees are on unemployment insurance?

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* 8. What percent of employees are furloughed?

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* 9. What percent of employees continue to work or to be paid?

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* 10. What are the greatest impacts that COVID-19 is having on your business (check up to 3 impacts)

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* 11. Compared to 2019, please estimate the month-over-month decrease in revenue that your business has experienced due to COVID-19.

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* 12. What changes do you estimate for your April 2020 revenues?

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* 13. How long can your company maintain operations in the current conditions before needing additional financial assistance?

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* 14. Will you need additional financial assistance with reopening and recovering your business?

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* 15. Does your company or organization have a Recovery Plan to come out of the COVID crisis?  The Recovery Plan would include staffing, marketing and safety.  It includes increased sanitation, social distancing and other considerations to receive and protect both employees and customers.

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* 16. If you have a facility, what measures are you taking in response to the virus?

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* 17. What procedures does the company have in place should an employee test positive for the COVID-19?  (check all that apply).

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* 18. Has your company applied for Paycheck Protection Program, Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) or other small business and local COVID-19 funding?

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* 19. Did you apply for Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) or other local small business loans?

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* 20. Do you feel you are effectively engaging and communicating with your customers during COVID-19?

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* 21. Do you feel you are effectively engaging and communicating with your employees during COVID-19?

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* 22. What below best describes your industry sector?

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* 23. What are the primary sources of the information you use to inform your decisions regarding COVID-19?  (please select your top 2 choices).

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* 24. What community services are vital to reopening your business?  please check all that apply.

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* 25. What are your most pressing concerns about COVID-19?  please select up to 5 concerns

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* 26. Do you require technical or manufacturing assistance to re-open your business to employees and/or the public?

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* 27. Do you feel your supply chain has been significantly disrupted? 

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* 28. When planning for economic recovery, what one thing should government, chambers and business associations do to best support your community's restart?

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* 29. This survey is a cooperation of local public agencies and economic development organizations.  We are working to best understand business and community needs.  May we reach out to you for additional information if necessary?

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* 30. Thank you for providing your responses.  If you have asked for information or have agreed to be contacted please ensure you have provided contact information.  Best wishes to you and yours.

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