
Please fill in as much as possible of this form. Your answers will be used to improve future training sessions. We are keen to have constructive criticism!

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* 1. How confident do you feel about disability today?

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* 2. What did you find most useful about the Disability Confidence session?

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* 3. What could have gone better?

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* 4. How do you rate the content of the training?

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* 5. How do you rate the trainer's presentation and facilitation style?

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* 6. How do you rate the inclusiveness and accessibility of the training?

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* 7. Is there anything the trainer could have done to make the session more inclusive and accessible for you?

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* 8. Following today’s session, what actions will you take to improve workplace inclusivity for staff with a disability/health impairment?

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* 9. Are there particular aspects of disability that you would like further support to understand?

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* 10. Are there things that you think Chambers should continue doing, stop doing or start doing to support a culture of inclusion for disabled staff?

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* 11. Any other comments?